Kainga Pasifika Services
Our referral process is simply walk-in, call or email our office requesting a referral form, and our team will happily assist.

Safe and Healthy Relationships Programme - Whanau Resilience
Facilitated by Pasifika for Pasifika - Promoting and supporting Pasifika to break the cycle of violence and create and build safe and healthy relationships in their families and communities.
Whanau Ora Programme - Supporting Pasifika Families
Supporting Pasifika families to create a brighter future Created by Pacific for Pacific.
Driver Licensing Programme - Completing Your Drivers Licence
Supporting Pasifika to achieve in completing their driver’s licence and drive safely on the roads.
Community Connector and Navigators Service
This service is all about relating and connecting to our Pasifika families, communities and churches and assisting them in connecting themselves to other relevant organsiations ie. Government agencies.
A part of this service is to also respond to the welfare of our Pasifika Families who are isolating due to COVID-19.